Using reference is essential for any artist! I gather reference material for the majority of my artwork. Some of my drawings are studies in which I closely reference specific images to learn new techniques. Other drawings, like my digital paintings, are less dependent on specific reference images and result from a mix of different visual influences. This is because leaning on one reference image too heavily usually leads to a less stylized result, which is the opposite of what I want to achieve for my paintings. I try to depend more on my imagination for those, although I do use reference to elevate the details in the final stages.
If I’m struggling with the anatomy, I look for pose reference or take pictures of myself. For pose reference, my favorite source is Adorkastock. My favorite tool for creating a reference board is PureRef. To learn more about how I approach reference, check out my challenge resources on Patreon – I always take a moment to discuss my reference boards and how I diversify the images I include in them!